Author Archives: Marcel

NI CVI/LabVIEW and monitors with different scaling

There is a known bug in NI’s CVI (and apparently LabVIEW) products that makes the user interface misbehave when the PC is connected to multiple monitors that have different scale settings:

The “solution” mentioned in the article is to have the same scaling factor for all monitors or disable the scaling of the specific applications. That might have been (almost) reasonable in 2016, when this issue first came up and different scaling was probably just a misconfiguration, but in times where an external monitor might be high-DPI (and thus needs a high zoom factor) and the other one is e.g. a normal laptop display, this is not possible. Furthermore, if it only affected the development computers, ok, but to tell all my users(!) to “change your Windows settings for my app to work correctly” is downright embarrassing and reflects badly on me as a developer.

Thus, I filed a bug report with NI, and after apparently much deliberation it was returned as WONTFIX, as there are the workarounds mentioned above. Let me repeat: embarrassing.

So I once again got out my trusty disassembler and investigated this issue myself. Spoiler alert: it’s easy to fix, even without patching the runtime code.

The basic problem is that the CVI runtime employs a window, hidden away at coordinate 25000×25000, for some of its tasks. This has often be a source of trouble because its creation happens before my main() function is invoked, which can have many undesired side-effects I won’t go into at this point. Anyway, this hidden window seems to adapt the scaling factor of the “nearest” monitor and as long as the app is on that monitor, everything is fine, but if it’s on a different one, hilarity ensues.

My home-office monitor configuration with one monitor deliberately set to 125% zoom

The problem now is that, when a menu is created, the hidden window is given as its parent instead of the window the menu actually belongs to 🤷‍♂️! The menu then adopts the scaling of the hidden window, no matter which monitor it is actually on, and things start to break. This should be trivial to fix in the runtime, but as I don’t feel like binary patching and distributing a hacked runtime, maybe we can do better.

I found out that, when I hide the window (by actually marking it “not visible”, not just by moving it out of the way), Windows doesn’t adopt the scale of the hidden window but takes the scale of the monitor the new window actually appears on! Bingo, that’s what we want! The only caveat: CVI uses the hidden window for the taskbar button, so we lose that. Uh-oh, not good! But fear not, there is an easy way to make the actual (visible) main window get a button instead, so the solution in the end is fairly easy with (so far) no negative side effects:

#include <windows.h>

// Workaround for multi-monitor DPI scaling issues with CVI (mainly menus not appearing where they should be):
// CVI apps have a hidden main window at position 25000x25000, so always out of view and it uses this window
// as the parent for any menu that is shown. Unfortunately, the hidden window adopts the DPI scaling of the 
// nearest monitor and inherits it to the new window. That's fine if the new window is on that monitor, but if
// it is shown on a monitor with different DPI scaling then nothing fits anymore, it's drawn too big/small and
// at the wrong location.
// By just removing the WS_VISIBLE style of the (anyway hidden) window Windows changes its behaviour
// completely and the new window adopts the DPI scaling of the monitor where it is actually positioned.
// Caveat: the hidden window is used for the taskbar button. If we hide that, we get the proper DPI behaviour, 
// but no taskbar button! So, as a further workaround, we enable the ES_EX_APPWINDOW style on the ACTUAL main
// panel below, which will then get its own taskbar button, with an even better working preview!


if ((panelHandle = LoadPanel(0, "demo.uir", PANEL)) < 0)
	return -1;
// Second part of the DPI fix above, let's give our main window a taskbar button after all
HWND hwnd;
GetPanelAttribute(panelHandle, ATTR_SYSTEM_WINDOW_HANDLE, (intptr_t*)&hwnd);
SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) | WS_EX_APPWINDOW);

As you can see, the workaround consists of only 3 lines of code. After including those, everything works as expected, menus draw consistently at the size and position they are supposed to show up, no matter the monitor configuration or monitor they are on.

All in all it took me less than a day to figure all this out, it was almost less work than filing and seeing through the bug report mentioned above (my support contact was very dedicated and determined, but in the end as helpless as me when R&D says they don’t want to fix it). NI on the other hand has listed this as a known issue for 8 years, and they have the source code! But I’ve heard these are very tumultuous times for them after the acquisition, I wish everybody the best and hope that someday they can correct course and maybe return to their old form. Long live CVI 😉

SetUnhandledExceptionFilter not working in 64-bit CVI code

At work I develop an application that is employed in production plants all around the world. It can host a lot of different code modules from different developers, so the code it executes is pretty diverse. To be able to quickly react to any problems I implemented a crash-handler that makes a memory image of the whole process and sends me an eMail. This has been working fine for many years (13 to be exact according to git) but when compiled for 64-bit it stupidly refused to work.

This puzzled me for a long time, the handler set through the SetUnhandledExceptionFilter API was simply never called. I eventually found a workaround by using the AddVectoredContinueHandler function, but not knowing what was going on always bugs me to no end. And also it’s just halve the story as we’ll see.

Eventually I found the problem and it turned out to be a subtle bug in the CVI C compiler when compiling for a 64-bit target. I think the clue was the behavior of a low level debugger when stepping through such a defective program. Here, at the start of main(), the stack trace looks fine:

But once I step over the LEA instruction, things get messy:

Why is that? The 64-bit Windows ABI (application binary interface) requires the start (prolog) and end (epilog) of functions to be written in a certain way and also that every function that is not a leaf function (a function that doesn’t call other functions) must have accompanying static data that tells Windows how to clean up the function. The debugger also uses this information to walk the stack, so something must be fishy there. This so called “unwind” data can be dumped using the “dumpbin” tool from the Visual Studio Tools:

> dumpbin /unwindinfo seh_bug.exe 
Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 14.29.30152.0 
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved. 
Dump of file seh_bug.exe 
Function Table (77) 
           Begin    End      Info      Function Name 
0000000C 00001040 0000108E 00004010  main 
    Unwind version: 1 
    Unwind flags: EHANDLER UHANDLER 
    Size of prologue: 0x0A 
    Count of codes: 3 
    Frame register: rbp 
    Frame offset: 0x20 
    Unwind codes: 
      0A: SET_FPREG, register=rbp, offset=0x20 
      05: ALLOC_SMALL, size=0x48 
      01: PUSH_NONVOL, register=rbp 
    Handler: 00002634 __cvi_exception_handler

Spotted the problem? Look again, I’ll wait…

The instruction “lea rbp,[rsp+28h]” uses an offset of 28h, the unwind information for this piece of code however only specifies 20h!? A compiler bug that we can simply patch after the fact, right? Unfortunately not, the problem is that the offset in the unwind information is stored as a multiple of 10h, so a value of “28h” cannot be represented at all!

Now, I have opened a bug report with NI, the vendor of the compiler, but seeing how they have been treating it the last few years I’m not even sure they still have the people to fix this. In any case, I need a fix now, so what to do? CVI has had support for external compilers for a long time, maybe just switch to an external one for release builds?

This has a certain charm and CVI already comes with clang v3 (yeah, really) for this purpose. But the problem is that some of the libraries CVI comes with and that I use are already pre-compiled with the buggy compiler and there is no source code for them. So this fixes only halve the problem.

Next idea is to patch the binary in a post-build process. Question remains, how? Patching the code itself to have an even offset is quite dangerous as it’s difficult to guarantee that the patched code is right in every situation (like functions with multiple epilogs or whatnot). So we should patch the unwind info somehow and leave the code alone, but as already established, it cannot represent the value “28h” and we also cannot add any additional instructions to it as enlarging data structures comes with its own perils.

Simply removing the SET_FPREG instruction from the unwind information is an option and it works, but only as long as there are no dynamic stack allocations, like with alloca() or C99’s dynamic array sizes. Often this is not the case, but maybe we can do better.

The solution I have chosen in the end is to adjust the static allocation (ALLOC_SMALL in the example) by 8 bytes. This cancels out the error introduced by the SET_FPREG instruction and works fine in all cases except between the “sub rsp, 30h” and “lea rbp, [rsp+28h]”, but that is a negligible problem. The important thing is that the rest of the time stack walking in the debugger and when exceptions are handled, works again. By the way, I expected that about halve the functions are affected, but in my application it’s more like 70%:

Fixing unwind information...
Fixed 6199 out of 8849 functions

TL/DNR: The SetUnhandledExceptionFilter API can only do its work if all the exception information in the executable is correct, as it is invoked in the BaseThread function in kernel32. If the stack walking does not reach that function, nothing will happen, the process will just be killed. Check the exception unwind information for problems.

NI-MAX error 42HG08DD

We’ve had some machines stop working with NI-MAX error 42HG08DD. Nothing found online on the error helped. I dug deeper into the binaries and found out it was a simple problem with file access rights. If you experience this, have a look at the access rights of the files under C:\ProgramData\National Instruments\Shared Memory. The MXSEventSharedMemory.tmp file is used by NI-MAX to communicate between the backend and frontend. On normal systems the ACLs should look somewhat like this:

On broken machines it looked like this:

Giving back “Full control” to “Everyone” instantly fixed the problem.

Xilinx USB cable and Code 39 (Windows 10)

Both my QL-VGA2 and QL-SD ROM hardware use Xilinx chips and to program these I have a Xilinx USB JTAG cable model DLC9LP. After months of inactivity I dusted it off to update a few remaining QL-VGA boards but found that the cable didn’t work anymore with my main laptop: Code 39!? Drat.

Googling that didn’t turn up much useful advice, but the adapter still worked on an older laptop, so it wasn’t the USB device per se. And the next generation USB cable was sufficiently expensive (>300€) that I wasn’t about to just give up, so in the rabbit hole I went.

TLDNR: A quick fix is to disable Windows’ “Device Guard” feature, for a more thorough fix read on. “Device Guard” can for example be disabled by setting the “Enabled” key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\DeviceGuard\Scenarios\HypervisorEnforcedCodeIntegrity to 0.

Long story

The USB cable has a somewhat unusual boot process. The integrated CY7C68013A microcontroller comes with a default firmware that presents itself as an USB device with the sole purpose of loading the real firmware into RAM (shown as the “Xilinx Platform Cable USB Firmware Loader” device). This is the job of the xusb_xlp.sys driver from Xilinx. Once the firmware is uploaded the cable detaches and comes back as a new USB device called “Xilinx USB Cable”, backed by the more common windrv6.sys Jungo driver.

Reversing the driver

The problem is that the xusb_xlp.sys driver is not compatible with Windows’ “Device Guard” feature. So as a first step I tried to reverse the source code of the driver. I first loaded it into my trusty IDA Pro disassembler, but unfortunately I don’t have a license for the even more expensive decompiler and reversing everything from assembler is a not too enjoyable task. So I tried another thing and also loaded it into NSA’s Ghidra tool, which I find pretty cumbersome to use but is free and includes a decent decompiler.

So this makes things a little bit easier, but it was still a challenge that can be compared to putting together a 10000 pieces puzzle, especially as I’ve never dabbled in Windows driver development before. Here’s a typical example of the process (all pictures display the same piece of code, click the image for a bigger view):

So Ghira helped a lot, though in some cases the decompiled code is actually less readable than the simpler assembler source, like in this example:

Well, in the end I had a fully reversed and re-compilable source code but only then noticed that this is more or less useless: even if I fixed all problems, on the latest Windows 10 releases all kernel drivers must be signed by Microsoft. And not only that, while I do have a valid code signing certificate for Windows I’d need the much more expensive “Extended Validation” certificate (>400€ per year)… so, while this was an interesting challenge, it was also technically a dead end. At least I learned a lot from it. For the curious souls I have attached the code (untested!):

Fix through firmware mod

The advantage of the double-boot was that the firmware could easily be changed by releasing a new driver. But, seeing that the firmware hasn’t changed for over 8 years I think it’s save to say that this was it. So, after reading a few datasheets, I found another solution: the CY7C68013A can also load its firmware directly from an attached EEPROM, provided it’s big enough. In my case it wasn’t (24LC02 = 256 bytes), but that could easily be remedied by ordering some cheap 24LC64 (= 8kB) chips. After the order I realized that while the raw firmware binary is <8kB, the bootloader form as extracted from the driver has enough overhead to take this to 10kB. But after some recoding of the binary I was able to compress this back down under the 8kB limit, pheeew, otherwise I would have wasted 4€ and have to make another order for some 24LC128 😉

So, when the chips arrived I put one into my trusty TL866A programmer and programmed my firmware binary directly into it (there is probably also a way to program the EEPROM in-circuit through the microcontroller with the Cypress SDK, but this way was easier for me). I then exchanged the 24LC02 with the programmed 24LC64. The only problem is that bigger EEPROMs must have pin A0 set to high according to the CY7C68013A datasheet, so a little tweak was needed in my adapter for pin 1:

And voilà, plugged it into the PC and it went directly to the windrv6.sys driver, which works fine even with “Device Guard” enabled. Bingo, mission accomplished! It was much work and a long journey, but

QL-SD driver 1.10

The QL-SD driver ROM is so full that every byte counts and during my search for superfluous bytes for v1.09 I removed one instruction too much. This results in a wrong value returned from the iof.rhdr call which is often not used anyway but can lead to subtle bugs in applications. Today I’ve uploaded a bug fix release 1.10 which only addresses this one problem and all users of 1.09 should update. If you don’t have the means to update the ROM the resident driver could also be loaded during boot (in case of the GoldCards this can make sense anyway as the driver is executed faster from RAM than from ROM).

Get it here

A short history of QDOS file headers


In Germany there was a famous commercial that starts with the sentence “The history of menstruation is a history full of misunderstandings” and the same can be said about QDOS file headers. So what’s it all about?

On today’s PC file systems every file has some meta data associated with it. The main one is the name, obviously. But then there are also the file dates (creation, modification, last access) and a few flags like “file is hidden”, “file is a system file” and so on. Additionally files now have detailed access control lists that define which user can do what with it.

But apart from that little is known about the file itself, even the type information is only encoded more or less by convention in the filename by the “file extension” at the end of the names, like “.txt” or “.exe”.

When QDOS was created they wanted to be a bit more clever and they made room for additional information about the file, mainly the file type and some type dependent data. With the introduction of TK2 even more fields were added, like the file version and backup date.

In the end this meant for the QL that an executable can only be started with EXEC if it has the correct file type encoded in the header and the so called “data space” is also correctly set. “Data space” is basically the amount of RAM the executable needs for its variables and unfortunately it’s not simply included in the file itself but is part of the meta data associated with the file. And this is where things get hairy.

As we all know simpler operating and file systems have won the race and they do not have space for the additional data the QL needs, so a conglomerate of different solutions have been developed to cope with this. Let’s start with ZIP files.

ZIP files

There were many archive formats in the past of the QL, but only ZIP files have survived as they have become some sort of international industry standard. In the late 90s Jonathan Hudson ported the famous InfoZIP package to the QL which is still in use today. Fortunately the ZIP format has defined a so-called “extra field” to save OS specific data, which Jonathan made a good use of and saved the QL header within this field so all all meta data survives being zipped… but, and this is the catch, only as long as it is unzipped on a QL! PC based unzip utilities don’t know what to do with the extra information and in fact have no place to put them anyway on PC based file system, so all meta data is lost.

Emulator style headers

Emulator authors like myself were always thinking about ways to also somehow preserve the header information on PC file systems, but each method has certain advantages and drawbacks. QemuLator was the first to come up with an inline-header style format, meaning that the actual file contents is prepended by a small data block that starts with the the text "]!QDOS File Header", followed by the header data and finally the actual file contents:

I must note here in the strongest term possible that this is a feature exclusive to emulators. This type of file header is recognized only by QemuLator, QPC2 v5 and SMSQmulator so everything works as expected within them, but when zipping the file on a PC, the header information is not magically transferred to the “extra field” mentioned above. This means that when such a file is unzipped on a QL, not only will the header information be missing, the file will also start with garbage from QDOS’ point of view!

So how can one create QL compatible ZIP files in this case? Simply by not zipping the files on the PC but within the emulation. For the emulated system the data block is transparently removed, it doesn’t even know that it’s there, and all information is placed in the fields it expects them to be in, so the ZIP utility can get them as always and again place them in the “extra field” where they belong.


Some users may also have heard of the “XTcc” trailer, what’s up with that? I think this was invented by Jonathan Hudson who was developing his software by cross-compiling it on a Unix machine, so he needed a way to preserve the “data space” value of the executables some way. For this he introduced special code into the Unix ZIP executable (not enabled by default, must be specially compiled with the “QLZIP” flag enabled) that scans for the XTcc trailer at the end of files and, if found, creates the standard QL compatible “extra field” information in the ZIP file. The XTC68 C compiler emits the XTcc trailer, so all he had to do was ZIP the files on his Linux box and get a completely QL compatible ZIP in the process.

In conclusion

I hope this clears up some of the confusion around QDOS file headers. As for QPC I fought with myself for many years about how to deal with them, I even had a fully working solution based on NTFS alternative data streams. This is a little known Windows feature where a file can not only have one contents but several at the same time, acting more like a directory in this case. I simply hid the QL header there, invisible to the user, a solution that has many advantages over and is much simpler to implement than the inline header explained above, but of course also has several drawbacks. In the end I opted not to introduce yet another incompatible solution to the world but instead play nice with the existing QemuLator solution so that at least these two systems can talk to each other seamlessly.

Anyway, if there are further questions simply ask them in the comments so that I can amend the article if needed.

QPC2 v5.01 and SMSQ/E v3.38 released

After a long delay, partly because it took quite long to put SMSQ/E v3.38 together, a new QPC2 has finally been released. It took so long that my expensive code signing certificate has expired again, so it was actually only used for a single release 🙁 But I bought another one, so this release is again digitally signed to help with security issues.

Despite the long wait QPC itself is mainly a maintenance release. One added feature is native support for QubIDE image files. These can be used like any .WIN style file, but is only meant for data transfer applications, don’t use it as your main drive. There are two kind of QubIDE image formats, one with big endian and and one with little endian byte order. QPC automatically recognizes the format and adjusts all read/write calls accordingly.

The existing QPC_HOSTOS function was extended, previously it could only differentiate between Windows 95 and Windows NT style operating systems. Now it will return these values:

3Wine on Linux or unknown OS
4Wine on Darwin (MacOS)
5Windows XP
6Windows Vista
7Windows 7
8Windows 8
10Windows 10

Also there are two new Basic commands, QPC_FLASHBUTTON and QPC_HASFOCUS. HASFOCUS can be used to check if QPC currently has the input focus. If not FLASHBUTTON can be used to flash the taskbar button to get the attention of the user.

The AYSOUND driver to output FM music can now drive several chips with a single channel. While previously AYSOUND1 already opened a channel to the first chip and AYSOUND2 opened a channel to the second, AYSOUND3 now opens a channel to both chips. In this case the data blocks send to the channel must contain the register data of both chips one after the other. Also, the SOUND basic command has been renamed to AY_SOUND in order not to clash with the Simon N Goodwin’s SOUND device.

Finally, SMSQ/E v3.38 also contains Alain Haoui’s work of implementing index drawing in WMAN (index in the sense of the “A”..”Z” columns and “1”..”9″ rows in Excel), a function that has been part of the WMAN API documentation for 30 years but which was never actually implemented. Details can be found in Wolfgang’s new QPtr manual, along with a few examples.


Get QPC2 here
Get SMSQ/E v3.38 for other platforms here
QPtr manual and WMAN examples

QL-SD ROM news

A while ago I’ve sent pre-production QL-SD ROM samples to a few testers and now Dilwyn Jones has written a review of his, read it here. Thanks Dilwyn!

Unfortunately I don’t currently have much time for QL stuff and what little time I recently had I’ve invested into making a NTSC compatible QL-VGA. But before this quiet phase I had another fun project in the making, which might be of interest: I created an SMSQ/E version that boots directly from QL-SD ROM without having to boot QDOS first. For this to happen I created a new boot loader that employs the software bank switching feature of QL-SD ROM to initialize SMSQ/E bit by bit. This way SMSQ/E occupies 3 to 4 of the 8 available OS slots.

One of the more technically challenging aspects was that I wanted the boot loader to be compatible with stock GoldCards, i.e. it contains a minimal amount of dead code and data that fools the GoldCard ROM into accepting it as a genuine QDOS ROM! Good thing I analyzed the GoldCard ROM some years ago…

GoldCard dummy code

But it’s not all good news, the resulting SMSQ/E only boots correctly 80% of the time, in all other cases it hangs initializing the IPC co-processor. And thus what started as a fun project devolved into a debugging nightmare and I’m still none the wiser. Only after booting QDOS once it starts to work again, so QDOS must do something during boot that SMSQ/E does not… but I haven’t found out what it is, so the project remains in this unsatisfactorily halve-finished state.

Apart from that the hardware seems to have proved itself. There will probably be one more minor tweak to the CPLD code to read the currently selected OS slot, but apart from that things appear to work splendidly. However, I currently don’t have the time to go into production right now. Also, manuals need to be written, maybe 3D printed enclosures evaluated because it IS much more sexy with an enclosure, etc.. I guess all this will happen later this year. As I noted in a previous post, QL-SD ROM is at least designed to be much easier to be build compared to the original QL-SD, so availability once production has started should probably not be an issue.

Speaking of production, there is a batch of 9 internal QL-SDs waiting to be sold. Once the QL-VGAs are updated I will send them to Rich for putting the online.

QL-VGA and the mysterious NTSC QL

After many happy customers Alex from the US was not impressed with the quality of QL-VGA’s picture quality and looking at what he sees this was completely understandable:

QL-VGA on Alex’s QL

It was soon clear that he owns one of the relatively rare original US NTSC QLs and QL-VGA was never tested with one of those. My working theory was that it should work well with it as long as one does not use the JSU QDOS variant that switches the QL into NTSC mode. Unfortunately the assumption turned out wrong, because what I have never seen documented anywhere is that US QLs use a 15.10489 MHz main crystal instead of the usual 15MHz, thus increasing the pixel clock from 10MHz to 10.0699MHz! There is also a daughter board connected to the crystal that is missing in European QLs, but this is just an oscillator circuit presumably to improve the slew rate of the clock signal.

US QL crystal with daughter board

Now QL-VGA was designed to cope with variations in clock frequency as not all QLs are built equally anyway, but 10.069MHz was way out of the band I designed for and thus it fell back to the default 10MHz frequency, resulting in the aliasing of the QL pixel clock and QL-VGAs pixel sampling that can be seen in the picture above.

Fixing this was fairly easy, but then I got ambitious and also wanted to implement full support for the NTSC modes of the QL. So here are a few facts I found out:

US QL facts

The basic “NTSC mode” is also available on European QLs that use the later CLA2345 variant of the ZX8301 chip, the CLA2310 is missing this feature. It can be enabled by setting bit 6 of the MC_STAT register at $18063. This is independent from the mode 4/8 setting, so a JSU QL actually has 4(!) different and distinct display modes.

JSU QLs boot in NTSC mode, which means that the vertical display resolution is reduced to 192 lines. The F1/F2 window is moved up to be in range of the lower resolution:

When the QL is booted using F2 the QL stays in this NTSC mode and it will never leave it, no matter the colour depth. So there you have a 512×192 4-colour mode and a 256×192 8-colour mode. Both with a refresh rate (and thus poll frequency) of 60.05Hz.

Selecting monitor mode using F1 switches the QL to the normal 256 lines modes, albeit with a slightly higher refresh rate of presumably 50.43Hz due to the faster pixel clock. Issuing a “mode 8” command, which is commonly associated with “TV mode”, will however stay in monitor mode and thus result in the normal 256×256 8 colour resolution.

Master clock15.10489 MHz
Pixel clock10.0699 MHz (2/3rd of master clock)
Line length640 pixels, same as PAL QLs
Line frequency10.0699 MHz / 640 = 15.73426 kHz
Front porchTV: 32 lines, monitor: 24 lines
VSYNC4 lines
Back porchTV: 34 lines, monitor: 28 lines
Total linesTV: 262 lines, monitor 312 lines
Refresh rateTV: 15.73426 kHz / 262 = 60.054 Hz, monitor: 15.73426 kHz / 312 = 50.43 Hz
NTSC QL specifications
Front porch/VSYNC/back porch in NTSC mode

Testing it

It’s actually very difficult to get a 15.10489 MHz crystal, the nearest I’ve found is 15.36 MHz which I ordered and then used to run some tests (it works but the QL will hang later in the boot process). Only later I remembered that I’m a master of FPGAs (not really) and those have PLLs that can be tuned to almost any frequency. So I actually created an FPGA project that outputs almost the desired frequency (15.104167 MHz) and tested it with that:

All worked well and thanks to the multi-ROM facility of QL-SD ROM I could easily boot the JSU ROM and verify that it work well, too.

Final verification with actual US hardware is pending as Alex is waiting for a suitable JTAG adapter to update his QL-VGA, but I’m now fairly confident I have removed any kinks left, now really making QL-VGA the best solution for the video needs of all QLs. Once that final verification has been done the remaining boards will be updated and put on sale, after which I might make another production run if demand warrants it.

QL-SD ROM (tiny!)

Hardware revisions

I get asked a lot about the state of my new QL-SD, so here’s an update. The new external QL-SD variant (henceforth called “QL-SD ROM”) went through a lot of revisions:

A sample of QL-SD ROM revisions
A sample of QL-SD ROM revisions

This series also exemplifies my progress as a PCB-designer. I’ve never formally learned to create PCBs, so it’s all learning by doing. With QL-VGA v2 I made my first 4-layer PCB and that experience in turn enabled me to create the final variant on the right, “QL-SD ROM tiny”:

(the case will probably not be part of the final product, but I will offer the files as always).


One of the main features of QL-SD ROM, besides the two MicroSD slots of course, is its 512kB big flash memory. It can hold 8 different QL operating systems (called slot 0 to slot 7) and is bank-switched by software with slot 0 being the default on power up. Switching to another ROM is as easy as entering “ROM_SWITCH 5” into Basic. Also, there is one “Forces ROM 7” switch that can be enabled in case something is wrong with slot 0 so the QL doesn’t boot anymore.

All slots can be re-programmed using a new Basic extension, so updating the QL-SD driver or flashing a new operating system is as easy as typing “ROM_FLASH 2,ram1_minerva_rom” into Basic!

Hardware and software is pretty much finished, so I have sent two units to beta testers and I’m eager to hear what they have to say. When they are satisfied and don’t think major changes are needed a larger batch can be produced.


One of the problems with this new variant is how to get the initial operating systems on it in the first place. It cannot be programmed to the flash before it’s being soldered to the board. One way is to put normal ROM chips into the QL and enable the “Disable OS-ROM” switch on the board. This way the QL boots with the internal ROM and one can load everything needed for the flashing from floppy disc. Afterwards one has to switch it back, remove the ROMs from the QL and test the whole board… this takes a lot of time and I already know that I will loath the process very quickly. So you can see how dedicated I am to producing this by the simple fact that I even developed a special flashing station to bootstrap the process:

The Raspberry Pi’s GPIOs are connected to the QL-SD ROM and then basically emit the same pattern a QL would emit when it flashes the device. I actually had to program the software two times because the first version was written in Python and the Python GPIO libraries are incredibly slow (like “5-10 minutes per board” slow). So I rewrote it in C and that does the whole job within 40 seconds.

But I wanted big SDs!

Yeah sorry, no democracy here. I’m in love with the small form factor and the mechanical stability it provides. I did however buy a cheap MicroSD to SD adapter to test it and it works perfectly fine, so people can still enjoy large SDs with this device. Only one will fit of these as the slots are too near each other, but you can still use the second slot with a MicroSD card.

QL-SD ROM tiny with big SD adapter

What now?

When the tests are finished and everything is alright I’ll have a look at making a first run. I just have one request, please restrain from contacting me personally to be informed when it goes on sale. I’m happy that you are interested but I just get too many requests of this kind. I will publish updates in all relevant channels and this being designed to not be too cumbersome to produce I hope I can make enough for everyone.