24 years ago Albin Hessler released his file manager Cueshell into the world. It was and still is one of the most advanced programs for the Pointer Environment ever written, featuring a Multiple Document Interface (smaller directory windows within the larger application window) and drag&drop file management. Managing large directory trees became incredibly easy and I still use it very frequently. It was truly way ahead of its time and this might have been its problem, as commercially I think it wasn’t as successful as hoped. Some people might remember that we did a special QPC+Cueshell promotion bundle in the early days to help adoption, but I don’t know how well those did.
Some 13 year ago I made a feebly attempt to update it to the new WMAN2 system palette, but because visually it was so advanced and non-standard I never truly managed to do a version that would do it justice, so I still use the 4-colour version. It has aged quite well however:
A few days ago I asked Albin if he could provide me with the latest manuals etc so I could release it for free and he readily agreed. The manual, too, turned out to be very beautiful, with many screen shots and illustrations. So today I present to you the latest version Cueshell v2.14, I hope you take some time to check it out because it really deserves it.
Terrific – another great offering to the community! Thank you to Albin and yourself Marcel.
I have been looking for a good file-manager since I owned my first QL and tried every one I could find, but never found what I was looking for. I’ve designed but never finished several attempts to write one myself and Cueshell finally satiates my desire!
And what a lovely manual as well 🙂