Prompted by a customer request I have extended my QL-SD demo file with a few free QL games, 20 in total, including some that were never available for free before but for which I have the rights to release (basically the Jochen Merz catalog, thanks Jochen!).
I went to great length to try to make it as easy as possible, usually you can just select a game in the boot screen and it will run, everything is pre-configured. Even (Super)GoldCards are slowed down when necessary, still not every game will run properly on every QL configuration. The most compatible configuration is probably a QL with expanden memory but without any GoldCard.
Great to see, though I am wondering about “Metropolis” and “M-Treasure”. Wasn’t these games by JMF? Would be interesting to know more about their copyright status.
These are already freely available from Dilwyn’s library.
I see 😉 Still wondering about JMF not being reachable via email addresses. His BOOT of games look so horrible, compared with e.g. Meteor Storm of Arrakis, which you can LBYTES and CALL and nothing else. I still have not found out, which assembler he used.
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