QL-VGA v2 production

By | 2020-12-24

Merry Christmas everyone! The first batch of QL-VGA v2 has been produced and sent out today! Here’s the picture the factory has sent me for validation:

QL-VGA v2 validation sample

The connectors are missing as I’ll just solder them in myself, this shouldn’t take too long. Then only the FPGA must be programmed before a final test can happen, all in all much more manageable compared to v1 production. Not too bad for a pure software guy (despite this board looking fantastic IMHO it’s good to remember that I’m noway near an electronics professional, but at least stuff usually works…).

This leaves the question of distribution. I’ll try to get a contingent shipped to Rich from RWAP to be sold on SellMyRetro. Of course Brexit makes stuff a little bit unpredictable, but he could at least serve the UK marked if not more. If anybody else is also interested in international/EU distribution or has a tip for me in this regard, drop me a line.

13 thoughts on “QL-VGA v2 production

  1. Ralf

    Great, good to see, that the chips are correctly placed ;-). A blue PCB would have been so nice….

    1. Marcel Post author

      Why blue? I thought QL stuff must be black šŸ˜‰

    1. Marcel Post author

      The first part of the first batch is now available on SellMyRetro!

    1. Marcel Post author

      The second batch went online two days ago and sold out yesterday… there will be a smaller third batch soon, after that all my stock is gone for now.

      1. giorgio

        i possible send me a mail then the new batch of QL-VGA v2 is ready?

  2. Marco Banchero

    Marcel finally I managed to try your new QL – VGA 2.0. It is simply fantastic, now the QL is the only one my computer that can take advantage of the whole screen of my samsung 1920×1080 monitor.
    Great work.

    Ciao Marco

    1. Marcel Post author

      Hey Marco!

      Thanks for the feedback! So good to hear that all the work payed off and users enjoy what I have created šŸ™‚

      All the best, Marcel

  3. JD

    Hi Marcel

    Is there any Ql Vga card available and where can i order ? Iā€™m living in France and with the brexit sellmyretro is not the Best solution to buy in EU



  4. Chuck

    Hey Marcel, is there any new production planned?



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