Sometimes things happen out of the blue. I haven’t heard from my fellow QL friend Peta Jaeger for years and yesterday he mailed me a complete ready-to-run distribution of QPC2 for MacOS X. Under the hood it employs the WINE Windows emulation layer, so QPC2 is of course still not a native Mac application, but it almost feels like one. I only have a headless Mac at home (meaning without a monitor or keyboard) and I’m currently 5km away from that, but even through the remote VNC connection it felt absolutely usable, which I find pretty amazing. Peta also included the Black Phoenix QL software distribution so you can start clicking through various applications right away. It is installed like pretty much any other Mac application, but if you have questions feel free to contact Peta about it.
Interested? Check it out on the Downloads page.
Some time ago, for my peace of mind, I booted OSX and Parallels off my Mac Powerbook and installed pure Windows 7 instead, so this comes too late for me. Still, like Everest, although I have no intention of climbing it, Im glad its there 😉 Great work, guys!
Well, my 2009 MacMini is now getting the “boot” in terms of OS updates, so it’s probably just a matter of time until I also need to find an alternative OS.
Awesome work!
Thanks, although I had nothing to do with it 😉 Still, the same can be said about “Black Phoenix”, great work, I just wish you guys had created that 10 years earlier 😉
10 years ago my son was born … and I did not even have time to breathe 🙂
However we will recover the lost time.
Stay tuned, guys